Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"Night Surf"

"Night Surf" - Oil - 24" x 24" - $700

"Inspired by the Early California Plein Air Painters, I found a photo study I had taken on the coast several years ago and set out to do a night scene. I started with a toned canvas. Drawing with a brush and cadmium red, I drew masses of rocks thinking 'dominant, sub-dominant, and subordinate.' The diagonals will help move the eye through the painting.

Next, I stared establishing the values of the masses (how dark or light). I began to describe the planes of the rocks, holding to the value range of each so they did not loose form.

Next darkest were the areas of the water closest to the viewer and I set the value for these a little lighter with a cooler color. It's moonlight, remember.

From these starting forms and values, I worked on the surface of the water, distinguishing where it laid flat and where the swells were. Last were the light waves and floating foam. (I lightened this image a bit so you could see the variations.)

After working and reworking the shadow side of the waves, finally happy with the shapes, and darkening the area behind the rolling wave, I glazed the tops with moonlit accents as shown in the finished work at the top of this post." --- SFG


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan
I like your "Night Surf" -- this seascape works very well -- it has got everything but I think you are pricing this work far too low, you deserve to get top dollar for a painting of this calibre.
Ron in Canada