Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Clear Day"

"Clear Day" - Oil - 16" x 20" - $350

"A little artist's license... rearrangement of buildings and trees... made this scene sparkle. I used the reflections in the water to direct me and the pristine day added its flair." --- SFG

As they say, it's more about what you leave out of a painting than what you put in. It's also about where you put it. Rarely is a subject perfectly composed and the artist who is sensitive enough will either eliminate an element that is not working or move it. I used the direction of light on the fronts of these two buildings - one outside the picture plane - to create a reason for the reflections in the water.

1 comment:

Rick Nilson said...

Beautiful paintings and I really like the way you show you work in progress. Thanks.