Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Week in Coolidge AZ

My husband and I just spent a... I can't think of the right word... remarkable, tremendous, unbelievable, great, whatever ... week in Coolidge, AZ, with my painting buddy Chuck Prudhome.
He took us to overwhelmingly beautiful painting spots, historically interesting sites, and on purely fun explorations.
I took only 270 photos - I tried to conserve my camera battery to cover everything.
His "little sister" Roberta Stone, also from Redding, baked mouth-watering cran-raisin oatmeal cookies for us and joined us to paint when she could.
Another great painting buddy Geri Acosta joined us to paint and, on "girls day out" went with Roberta and me to Scottsdale for a gallery tour. THANKS TO ALL.
In Tubac

On location

Oh, that food!

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